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03 Nov 2023

Training for the Future

As Watermans is a family owned and ran business, its harder for us to hire those with the skills we need as this would increase our outgoings thus increasing our price and no one wants that; so we have to learn those skills to keep us competitve with international companies with much deeper pockets.  

Now that we have settled into our new location, we have begun future proofing to the best of our ability. Starting with the warehouse and office: winter proofing, Organise/manage the stock, test bay is built, and the showroom is under construction.

Whilst most of the upgrades have been to our site, we realised that our knowledge/skills as a team was not as close to 100% as possible with this in mind, we moved onto improving ourselves. Starting with myself, as shown in the attached picture I have recently become a certified forklift operator, I have begun my engineering training (under an established engineer) and finally I have started taking driving lessons. The combination of this set of training, is to allow myself to attend sites as an engineer to our customers in and around the Northwest within a 24–48-hour period of job being logged.

Moving onto Marcelle, she is undergoing some accounting training provided by our accountant with the aim of making the business run smoother and to minimise costs that are connected to human error as well as delays caused by lack of experience. 

Andy whilst he isn't undergoing regimented training, he is training in customer service and a understanding of the laundry sector via working closely with Chris Waterman to create an environment of shared knowledge and experience. With the aim that no matter who you get in contact with at Watermans' we can all provide a full service, or we all have enough knowledge to smoothly get the information/part etc. that the customer needs/wants. 

Finally, Chris. Whilst the most experienced in the laundry sector, he understands that there is always room for improvement. With this understanding, Chris is aiming on improving his delegation, communication and organisation. He has been making use of training offered on Linked In and certain YouTube channels. These improvements have already been felt throughout the business making the rest of our jobs, easier and more organised. 

This focus on training for the future, is a focus that will follow us forever as we at Watermans are big believers that continuous professional development is how we will stand out and keep going from strength to strength. To summarise, we are perpetually in a state of self-improvement to provide the best service we can. No matter what life/business throws in the way.


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