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10 ways to make money on your Holiday Park & Resort Innovation stand

10 ways to make money on your Holiday Park & Resort Innovation stand

Plan Ahead:

Before the event, create a detailed plan outlining your goals, target audience, and strategies for generating revenue. Prepare your products, services, and promotional materials in advance to ensure a smooth operation during the event. 

Stand Out:

Design an eye-catching trade stand that stands out from the crowd. Use attractive signage, banners, lighting, and displays to capture the attention of event attendees and draw them to your stand. 

Engage with Visitors:

Be proactive in engaging with visitors to your stand. Strike up conversations, ask questions, and show genuine interest in their needs. This will help you build rapport and establish a connection that can lead to sales. 

Offer Special Promotions:

Create special promotions or discounts exclusively for event attendees. This can incentivise them to make a purchase or try your services while they are at the event. 

Provide Demonstrations:

Offer live demonstrations of your products or services to showcase their value and benefits. This can help potential customers visualize how your offerings can meet their needs and prompt them to make a purchase. 

Collect Contact Information:

Have a system in place to collect contact information from visitors who express interest in your offerings. This can include email addresses, phone numbers, or business cards. Follow up with them after the event to nurture the leads and convert them into paying customers. 

Offer Samples or Samples:

Providing free samples or trials of your products or services can give potential customers a firsthand experience and create a positive impression. This can increase their likelihood of making a purchase or engaging your services. 

Have Multiple Payment Options:

Ensure that you have multiple payment options available at your trade stand, such as cash, credit card, or mobile payment methods, to cater to different customer preferences and convenience. 

Market your stand:

Leverage social media platforms and other marketing channels to promote your trade stand before, during, and after the event. Share updates, teasers, and behind-the-scenes content to generate buzz and drive traffic to your stand. Remember to tag us in your posts and we will make sure to like and share to ensure maximum exposure. 


After the event, follow up with leads and potential customers to continue the conversation, provide additional information, and close sales. Stay responsive and attentive to their inquiries and requests to maximize your chances of converting leads into paying customers. 

Remember to comply with event regulations, be professional in your interactions, and provide excellent customer service to create a positive impression and build a strong brand presence at the show. 

It's time to generate more revenue for your business! Enquire about booking a stand with our friendly sales team today

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