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13 Sep 2023

Case Study - Musical Maze, The Patch MK

Case Study - Musical Maze, The Patch MK
Play the Tutti Outdoor Xylophone in the The Patch Musical Maze

Award-winning family farm creates a musical maze with giant outdoor musical instruments by Percussion Play for visitors to enjoy.

Fourth-generation farmer, Joe Gurney, runs an award-winning ‘pick your own' family farm in rural Buckinghamshire, England, and, like many farmers, has been recently diversifying the business. Today farmers are growing crops alongside hosting events, providing camping sites, growing pumpkin patches, and creating fun mazes for children and families to enjoy.

The Patch, located near Milton Keynes, grows a pumpkin patch, and today it is one of the largest pick-your-own wildflower farms in the UK. With three mazes, it attracts hundreds of visitors each Summer.

Recently Joe looked into how it could incorporate more activities into the farm, and he came across research showing how music and audio can enhance visitor attractions and increase customer satisfaction. At The Patch this Summer, visitors can navigate their new Musical Maze.

Explaining why he looked to include music on the farm, Joe says, “We worked with a company who advises on the best experience value we can add to our customers, and in the top 5 is audio. Research proves that adding music and audio to visitor attractions – crossed with the play interaction – increases visitor satisfaction.”

Setting out to add a musical element, Joe came across Percussion Play and appreciated the handmade build quality of the instruments. The instruments discovered and played in the maze include Petal Drums, Akadinda, Tutti, MyTunes, Rainbow Cavatina, Calypso Quatro Post, Rainbow Cavatina,Harmony Bells, and Harmony Flowers.

Importantly the Musical Maze is inclusive and can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter their age, ability, or knowledge of music-making. The instruments are tuned pentatonically, meaning there are no ‘wrong notes,' so you can create beautiful sounds no matter your knowledge or ability. Both young and old can play together.

Once the season ends, Joe plans to move them inside but is confident they will return outside in a new maze next Summer!


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